Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Going under the knife

Well, the results are in.

I had my MRI yesterday and was fortunate that the Dr that ordered it had a cancellation today so I was able to find out the results and discuss options.

I've got a herniated disc at the first sacrum nerve root with associated trauma.

So it's not going to just "get better". I could elect conservative treatment but a) the possibility of recurrence will always be looming over my head and b) there's the possibility of nerve degradation and loss of function.

So I've decided to go the surgical route. Exactly what that means is undefined at this point with options ranging from a microdiscectomy to fusion. My Dr thought the former was most likely. I've got a referral to a neurosurgeon at U-W who specializes in spinal surgery (that's all he does). The challenge now is getting the initial consult scheduled and then getting the surgery scheduled. Having made the decision to go ahead, I just want to get on with it.

How does the rest of the year lay out? Pretty hard to say given that I don't know what surgery I'm going to have but assuming it's the microdiscectomy it looks something like this:
  • Initial consult - 3-4 weeks (middle to end of July)
  • Surgery - 3-4 weeks after that (early to mid August)
  • Recovery - 4-6 weeks after surgery (mid-September to early October)
It's likely that the recovery is progressive i.e., I should be able to walk almost immediately and perhaps resume easy cycling within a few weeks. It might be that the recumbent is a better choice for the initial recovery but I don't know at this point.

In the interim, I've got a prescription for prednisone to reduce the inflammation in my back. Assuming it's successful, I can ride but he suggested the recumbent only to avoid the acute angle in my back and resulting stress associated with riding a regular bike.

What about the future? If I have the surgery am I "cured"?

Well, no. Assuming a microdiscectomy and assuming it's successful, there is the possibility of re-injuring the same disc although it's significantly reduced. There's also the possibility that the stress will just move up to the next vertebra and I'll have the same problem there although this is not likely. It turns out the rest of my back is in pretty decent shape.

This does mean I'm on the aggressive core strengthening and stretching train for life. Assuming I do that and am not a complete dufus (which admittedly is a bit of a stretch) I should be able to resume riding brevets including long ones and I should be able to do them on a regular bike.

Oh, and one interesting aside. Remember that "severe soleus strain" I had early in the year? He was 100% certain that was my back. I've looked at my logs from the time and I made no mention of back pain but as I sit here typing this, my left calf is hurting, my left foot is numb and I don't have any back pain at all. The possibility had never even occurred to me until he said it but the sensation I'm experiencing is remarkably similar to what I had early in the year.

So as I said, having made the decision to have surgery - let's get on with it!

Stay tuned!