Saturday, July 25, 2020

A change of focus

As I said previously, my intent in starting this blog wasn't to document my daily comings and goings, rather it was to chronicle my cycling life. Rides, bikes, etc., anything bike related.

But since early June (and periodically before), it's been more about my health, specifically, my back. The rather tenuous link to cycling has been my musing on whether or not I'll be able to continue riding at all, do long brevets, DF versus recumbent, etc.

Chronicling my infirmities is not what I set out to do here so I'm going to stop doing it. I'm going to change the focus of this blog back to what I'd originally intended when I started it. Since my riding has been confined to Zwift on the trainer there's really not much to say about that. So I'll probably go dark here unless and until I'm able to resume riding on the road be it on a DF or recumbent.

I continue to muse about what direction my future cycling might take. Options on the table include no more randonneuring, shutting down the region, etc., in other words, a change of focus. As I've noted in the past, I rode for a long time before I started randonneuring so I know there are a lot of alternative ways to enjoy cycling. It might be time to start exploring them.

In the meantime, if you want to know how I'm doing, you'll have to ask.

Stay tuned! (though there might just be static on the line)