Tuesday, March 3, 2020

A failed experiment

As noted previously,  my Soleus/Achilles/calf strain has been slowly getting better. I decided that I would slowly increase the distances I rode but not increase the intensity. Not quite soft pedaling but no hard efforts.

It didn't go well...

Here are my rides for the last few days:
  • Feb 27 - 23 miles, 587 feet of climbing at a 12.6 MPH average
  • Feb 28 - 57 miles, 2648 feet of climbing at a 14.8 MPH average
  • Feb 29 - day off
  • Mar 1 - 42 miles, 1995 feet of climbing at a 13.8 MPH average
  • Mar 2 - 53 miles, 2525 feet of climbing at a 13.9 MPH average
This morning my leg hurt badly enough that it woke me up and I'm hobbling about. I've got it elevated and on ice as I write this.

So a smart man would probably take an extended period of time off (like two weeks to a month), continue the RICE protocol, maybe add massage or acupuncture or both and let it fully heal. That would mean pulling the plug on the Australia trip.

Regular readers will recall I was all set to go to Oz for the Geelong 1200K last year, hurt my back and decided not to go on the morning I was due to drive to the airport. I'd been looking forward to the trip and seeing my Aussie friends for months and was really disappointed not to go.

So I'm going.

I'll let the leg rest for the next 3 days then do another couple of rides. I hope that rather than continuing to keep it inflamed I'll be helping it (active recovery) by doing easier rides. I'll do another easy ride when I get to Australia then start the 1200K and ride it at an easy pace. If I'm not able to continue I'll turn into an additional support person.

I've never been accused of being smart when it comes to dealing with an injury.

Stay tuned.

Update: it's been a pretty bad day. As it's progressed the Soleus has gotten worse, to the point that I can barely walk even with a pronounced limp. Not sure what I'm going to do.
