Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Life goes on

Like probably everyone else on the planet, I've been following the news about the Covid-19 Coronavirus pretty avidly. I've been pondering how this affects me and how the decisions I make affect others.

We're still in our winter sojourn in Fredericksburg. Our plan was to stay through the end of March then start heading home, perhaps with a stop on the way to ride the HCR 1000K (more on that later) which would have us home some time in the first 10 days of April.

As things have gotten more serious here in the U.S., or more accurately, as the U.S. has started to take it more seriously, we've started rethinking our plan. Will there be travel restrictions? How serious might those be? What about restaurants and hotels on the return trip?

Normally, we take several days to drive back with at least two overnights. This time we're thinking we'll pack the car with everything we need to eat and drink for the trip and drive straight through.

It's spring break time here in Fredericksburg and as nearly as I can tell, life goes on. Restaurants are open, town looks crowded. Weird really.

I've got several events coming up for my region in April. I've thought a lot about what we should do both as good citizens of the community and also to safeguard our health and the health of our friends and families. For the moment, the rides go on with options for proof of passage, riding separately, etc., to accommodate the current reality.

In ongoing news, I did a "long ride" yesterday - 53 miles - and a shorter ride of 15 miles today. The good news is the Soleus seems pretty good. General soreness but no worse than the rest of my legs due to the lack of longer or harder rides for a couple of months. Weather permitting, I'll ride 40 miles or so tomorrow.

I have decided to give the HCR 1000K a miss. Just seems like too much, too soon. Disappointed but the right thing to do, I think. Current plan is to do a brevet series in April/May plus a fleche then the NoVa 1200K in early June. All are subject to cancellation at this point so who knows?

Stay tuned!