Saturday, October 5, 2019

A cold, but dry, pre-ride

I don't normally pre-ride my brevets, I think I've done two pre-rides in the 5 years I've been an RBA. I'll typically ride the route on the motorcycle or drive it if I feel it needs to be checked out or I haven't ridden it in a casual ride lately. I choose not to pre-ride for credit for several reasons:

  • I'd rather have company.
  • The credit usually doesn't matter that much to me. I'll get the R12/P12 rides done via other brevets or permanents.
  • My turnouts are small enough that if only 1-2 people come I'd rather that they have company on the ride. This is especially true if a single person comes out for the ride - if they've made the trip out to the big city it seems a shame that they don't have company for the ride.
  • I've got to get up on the morning of the brevet anyway so I might as well ride it on the day.

For today's brevet, the weather forecast was looking dreadful - temperatures in the mid to upper 40's, rain and fairly high winds (gusts to 30 MPH). I had 7 riders advance registered which went to 0 as the day approached and the forecast didn't improve.

For whatever reason, it didn't occur to me to do a pre-ride until the middle of the night on Thursday but once it did I quickly checked the forecast for Friday and it looked fairly decent: same temperatures (mid-40's) but dry and moderate winds of 10-15 MPH.

So I decided I'd take advantage of the respite in the rain and pre-ride the route for credit. I set the alarm for 5:45 and went back to sleep.

5:45 came too soon. As I always do, I woke up about 10 minutes before the alarm went off and briefly considered whether or not I still wanted to do the ride. Once I start thinking "should I or shouldn't I" it's over - I'm awake. So I got up, had a quick breakfast then drove over to the start.

Although I can start at any time on a pre-ride, I got on the road at the normal start time of 07:00. Not really much to say about the ride. The forecast was pretty much right on, it was gloomy all day and company would have been nice but I got it done.

For the "Strava or it didn't happen" folks: