Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Too much, too soon

In general, when people ask me about snow in Wisconsin my answer is always the same. We get our first snow on 7 December plus/minus a couple of days but after that it's cold enough that what falls in December is on the ground until the end of March. We don't get thaws in Jan/Feb like they do farther south. One side effect of this is due to the fact that it's so hilly here and because the sun stays so low on the horizon in the winter there are long stretches of road that never see the sun and end up as several hundred yard sheets of ice. The highways are generally cleared/salted but on the secondary roads (which, given the rural nature of the area, is most of them) the highway depts tend to rely more on mother nature to do the clearing.

At any rate, we got 3" of last night. It'll most likely be gone by noon but we're supposed to get another 3" on Wednesday.

Too much, too soon.