Friday, October 18, 2019

I'm devastated

Like I'm certain everyone here does, I see the all too frequent posts about cyclists being killed. I don't know them but nonetheless I empathize with them and their families, reflect on my own riding & life and am deeply affected for a period of time. But it passes, life goes on and I continue riding.

I saw this post on FB this morning.

Although the cyclist in question isn't identified in the article I've since learned who it is. He and his wife are friends. In all honesty I have to say they weren't close friends but I've known them for a long time (16 years). I'd see them at rides and we'd chat for a while. Had dinner at RAGBRAI one year. You know, kind of the typical friendships you make with people that you see on rides over a period of years.

They're both active (she does tri's, he does ultra events) and giving people (they've crewed RAAM and RAW several times). Parents and grandparents. Good people.

Just devastated today.